These devices offer low offset and long-term stability by means of a low-noise, chopperless, bipolar-input-transistor amplifier circuit. For most applications, external components are not required for offset nulling and frequency compensation. The true differential input, with a wide input-voltage range and outstanding common-mode rejection, provides maximum flexibility and performance in high-noise environments and in noninverting applications. Low bias currents and extremely high input impedances are maintained over the entire temperature range.
- OP07CP
This item features:
- Low Noise
- No External Components Required
- Replace Chopper Amplifiers at a Lower Cost
- Wide Input-Voltage Range: 0 to +- 14 V (Typ)
- Wide Supply-Voltage Range: +-3 V to +-18 V
- New and Authentic Component(s) - OP07CP Precision Operational Amplifiers.
- Friendly Note: Be mindful of the many, inexpensive, counterfeits available on the market.
General details:
- We are expanding on a daily basis. If you do not see the part, or quantity of the part, you are looking for, please, let us know. We will do our best to accommodate you.