The JFET-input operational amplifiers of the TL064IN are designed as low-power versions of the TL08x series amplifiers. They feature high input impedance, wide bandwidth, high slew rate, and low input offset and input bias currents. The TL06x series features the same terminal assignments as the TL07x and TL08x series.
- TL064IN
This item features:
- Very Low Power Consumption
- Typical Supply Current: 200 µA (Per Amplifier)
- Wide Common-Mode and Differential Voltage Ranges
- Low Input Bias and Offset Currents
- Common-Mode Input Voltage Range Includes Vcc+
- Output Short-Circuit Protection
- High Input Impedance: JFET-Input Stage
- Internal Frequency Compensation
- Latch-Up-Free Operation
- High Slew Rate: 3.5 V/µs Typical
- New and Authentic Component(s) - TL064IN Quad Low-Power JFET-Input Operational Amplifier
ICs. - Friendly Note: Be mindful of the many, inexpensive, counterfeits available on the market.
General details:
- We are expanding on a daily basis. If you do not see the part, or quantity of the part, you are looking for, please, let us know. We will do our best to accommodate you.